From Bullied to Brave
Youth & Parent Empowerment Program
Helping youth everywhere heal and rebuild their self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence in as little as 8 weeks. Empower your child to never again let someone else determine their self-worth or dictate who they are. This program offers your youth the opportunity to explore their current beliefs about themselves, question their truth and shift their perspective. This will not only change their life as a youth but will shape their ability to live their life to it's fullest potential throughout adulthood.
Dear Loving and Proactive Parent,
You are reading this today because you are a loving and proactive parent who would do anything for their child.
Your child has been bullied to the point that you know that who they once were, seems to be disappearing. Like someone turned the light out inside of them. They don’t want to do anything and seem to be stuck in their head.
It’s getting worse with each passing day.
You make a point of letting your child know you are there for them, give as much love and support as they will accept. You are very aware of the fact that you need to step up on behalf of your child.
Maybe you have been able to make the bullying stop or maybe you are actively working on it, even still you are wise enough and in tune with your child to know that it’s not enough.
You recognize that the damage has been done and you are not sure what you can do to help heal your child. Your child is also seeking to find their happy self again.
You have tried the school counselor, maybe you've tried therapists, but your child just doesn't seem to be getting any happier.
You recognize that if your child continues to carry these untrue beliefs about themselves, their life will never be lived to it’s fullest potential.
You have cared and provided for your child this far, providing food, shelter, love and now you want to make sure that before they embark on their life they do so without the limitations of their untrue beliefs.
As a matter of fact, you are so proactive in your thought process that you want to not only heal them now, you want to empower them to never let other people wound their self-esteem, worth or confidence ever again.
This is the gift you want to provide your child and you know that it is priceless.
Your biggest problem right now is, your child is feeling alone, has no confidence or self-esteem, feels unworthy and has stopped doing the things they once loved.
They refuse to go to school or are fighting it every day. You might even be considering switching schools. Your life has been turned upside down, it's affecting your other children, your work and hurting you as a parent because you feel helpless. You and your child know that something must change, and you need it to change now!
My promise to you…
If your child is willing to participate in the one-on-one coaching calls, do some simple homework and has a desire to boost their self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence then this program is the journey that will lead them there.
The objective of this program...
Is to heal your child, shift their beliefs about themselves and to EMPOWER them to be able to stand strong among those that choose to put others down. That they have a choice to accept what is being said to them as truth or not.
If your child is willing and capable of having open conversations during our one on one coaching sessions, do some simple homework in between calls, then they can make the shift From Bullied to Brave and I will guide them along their journey.
There is no greater gift you can provide your child!

Your Desires...
You want your child to have friends and not feel alone
You want your child to feel like they belong and aren’t an outcast
You want to build up your child's self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence
You want your child to go back to doing the things they love to do
Most of all, you want to heal and empower your child to not let other people determine their self-worth

The Problem is...
That even though you are fighting for your child, even though you are doing your best to support them, you recognize it’s not enough. You know that your child is hurting, and you want nothing more than to ease their pain.
Maybe you…
Are having meetings with the school on a regular basis trying to create a safe space for your child
Have tried building their self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence up but they won’t let it in
Are suffering because your child is starting to not want to talk about it anymore and you are more scared than ever that you are losing them
Are frustrated because your child has told you that you just don’t get it, that you don’t understand ​
If you feel like you have exhausted all your options, and don’t know what to do for your child anymore, it's time for a change. It's time to try something new.
Let’s heal your child, let’s shift their beliefs about themselves and most importantly let's EMPOWER them to be and love who they are and never again let someone else determine their self-worth.

During this program, I will guide you through what your child is working on so that you can support them along the way.
Your child will experience a transformation in their belief system that will provide them the opportunity to rebuild their self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence.
They will be empowered to never again let other people determine their self-worth.
Youth open up to me because I have been in their shoes, I understand what they are going through and can guide and empower them to be who they are and love who they are.
My clients work with me because of my empowering energy. I manifest love, strength and the courage to be oneself.
I’m here to help your youth heal, shine bright, think big, and be fearless!
Your Youth's Most
Will Be...
Clarity and Direction...
Your child will spend time looking at what they want the outcome of this program to be. This will set the tone for my guidance and individual sessions. Through clarity, your child will find the direction they wish to go, and with that direction, they will be able to move forward to achieve their desired outcome.
Overcoming Negative Thoughts...
Your child will learn to observe their thoughts, question them and shift their perspective. They will learn about being present versus replaying the past or worrying about the future. This is a powerful concept and is something we focus on throughout the program.
Overcoming Fear, Anxiety & Worry...
Your child will learn that fear, anxiety, and worry are merely red flags that they are not feeling safe, okay or enough. It’s here that we discuss and explore what the subconscious and conscious mind are doing, why and how they can manage them. It’s here that we look at blinders and blocks that need to be removed so that they may move forward toward their desired outcome.
Removing Untrue Beliefs...
This is a very powerful exercise, demonstrating that they are carrying beliefs around that don’t belong to them. That their beliefs were forced upon them, and I guide them to understanding that they have a choice to let go of these untrue beliefs. Your child will spend time recognizing what those untrue beliefs are and we will work together to remove them.
You Are What You Believe...
Your child starts to recognize this in themselves and others. Your child will examine their current beliefs about themselves and shift their mindset to other possibilities thereby creating beliefs that match who they really are.
Understanding Behaviour...
Your child will discover that they are taking things personally that have nothing to do with them and everything to do with the other person. We examine the idea ‘all behaviours make sense’ and practice recognizing it in both themselves and others.
It’s Not Personal...
Your child will gain an understanding of what projection is and how other people's behaviour is often a reflection of who they are and what they believe about themselves. Reinforcing the concept that it is not personal.
Shift your Mindset...
Your child will begin practicing observing their thoughts, questioning their truth, understanding that all behaviour makes sense and has little if anything to do with them. They will deepen their ability to shift their mindsets in a way that will help them create the desired outcome they want.
Your child will observe their story and will be guided by the concept that they are in fact the writers of their story. We will explore this powerful ability to choose and write their life story together as it aligns with their desired outcome. Your child will have the opportunity to practice what they have learned and how to apply it to everyday situations with my guidance. This self-awareness will be invaluable to them now and for their entire lives.

Strategy Session
What Happens Once You Book Your Free Strategy Session Call...
You will receive a confirmation email letting you know your booking has been received
You will have the ability to cancel or reschedule using the link provided in your confirmation. I appreciate you taking the time to do so if you cannot make your appointment.
You will be provided a link that will join you to the video call on your selected date and time.
During the free Strategy Session...
We will discuss your child's specific challenges, fears, and desires
Based on what your share I will determine if your child is a good fit for the program
What Makes
From Bullied to Brave Different
Youth often look at counselors and therapists as someone they go to see because there is something wrong with them, if they are willing to go at all, it is often with a feeling of shame and embarrassment
A Coach is seen in a different light -- all successful people have coaches and/or mentors, they choose to steer their life in the direction they wish to go rather than aimless drifting through life as though they have no say.
The From Bullied to Brave Program is not designed to “fix” anyone. As an Empowerment Coach, I don’t fix people nor do I advise people, I guide them from where they are in life to where they want to be. It is a much more powerful experience to be empowered and guided toward what they want instead of told what they should or shouldn’t do.
Right from the beginning, your child is being empowered with choice. What do you they want out of their coaching experience, out of this program? What do they want to be, do or have in their lives right now?
As a coach, I will always guide them along the most direct route and help them overcome any roadblocks they encounter along the way, so they may move forward in THEIR chosen direction.
No matter what the past results have been after having your child talk to counselor's or therapists.
No matter how many roadblocks your child may have to overcome.
Regardless, of if your child chooses self-esteem, self-worth and confidence as the desired outcome, it will naturally improve due to the design of the program.
By empowering your youth with the ability to create what they want they will :
Be happier, and have a higher self-esteem, self-worth & confidence
Realize they are worthy of all that they desire
Realize that they have a say in how they feel, what they believe and what they think
Respond rather than react to a situation, which empowers them and disempowers the child that is bullying.

My Promise to You...
Your youth's journey through the From Bullied to Brave Program will be as unique as they are.
No two youth are alike, nor are their desired outcomes and what results, of course, will vary accordingly.
This I can promise you, your youth will be in a better place than they began, with new insights, skills, and abilities to utilize and put into action.
What they will have learned in this program about themselves and others will be invaluable now and will likely inspire them to continue their personal growth for life.
By the end of the From Bullied to Brave Program, your youth will:
have a noticeable increase in their self-esteem, worth, and confidence
have eliminated many untrue beliefs about themselves
have a more positive outlook on life
have less negative thoughts and feelings
feel empowered and be more inclined to stand up for themselves
- shine brighter, think bigger and be more fearless
have gained self-coaching skills
This program IS for your youth if...
They have expressed a desire for something to change
They are open to the idea of a program that will help them regain their confidence and be better capable of handling bullying situations
They have the ability to sit through a 60-minute coaching video/audio call, give or take, where I will coach and mentor them by way of stories and asking thought-provoking questions
They typically follow through with what they commit to
They still have hope and believe they can succeed in overcoming the bullying and rebuilding their self-esteem & confidence
This program is NOT for your youth if...
They have ever or talked about ever harming themselves in any way
They have attempted or are talking about committing suicide (please seek appropriate help)
They or you are looking for a quick solution...this is a journey
They are not capable of communicating for up to 60 minutes, give or take, where I will both mentor (by way of stories) and coach through asking thought-provoking questions
They are non-committal or a procrastinator, I cannot, nor can a parent, do the work for your youth
They are not interested in taking this program
They don't believe anything can change

I know how it feels to be a parent witnessing your child’s light get dimmer, their joy for life disappearing before your eyes. That helpless feeling, because as hard as you are trying nothing you say or do is working.
You can keep trying to help your youth on your own…
while your youth's self-esteem, worth, and confidence gets crushed just a little more every day
while your youth continues to lose their interest in things that once brought them joy
while your youth continues to withdrawal from you and the world around them
You can get the support that both you and your child need right now…
By enrolling you and your child in From Bullied to Brave and providing your child a transformation in their belief system that will provide them the opportunity to rebuild their self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence
Empowering your child to never again let other people determine their self-worth
Commonly Asked Questions about the Program...
Should my Child be on the Strategy Session Call?
This is entirely your decision, and often age-dependent, however, it is my recommendation that we speak alone while we are deciding if the program is a good fit for your youth. You should have the conversation with your youth about the program prior to booking the Strategy Session Call, as one of the requirements is that your youth is a willing participant and eagerly wanting to join the program.
Ideally, once you have established that your youth is keen to commit to the program let them know that you must first have a Strategy Session Call to make sure it will meet their needs and if so you will invite them to the call.
Once it has been established that it is a good fit, and you are prepared to commit to the program, have your child nearby so you can invite them in on the call. I believe it is important for your child to have the opportunity to ask questions so they can understand fully what they are committing to.
What will the one-on-one coaching calls look like for my child?
Coaching is a creating conversation. As mentioned in the program description your child will begin by gaining clarity and direction for their desired outcome. Throughout our one-on-one coaching calls your youth will be looking at negative thoughts, beliefs, and blocks that are holding them back from reaching their desired outcome. I act as a guide, not an advisor. At no time will I be giving your youth advice. Instead, I will be guiding them, by way of thought-provoking questions, to seek the answers within them.
Will you share what my child has told you with me?
No, what your youth shares with me is confidential, it is important that I establish a safe space for your youth in which they feel safe to share, trusting it won't be repeated to you or anyone for that matter. The exception to this would be if your youth mentions that they are going to hurt either themselves, someone else or is in danger, at which point I will notify you and the people or services that are in place in an effort to keep your youth and others are safe.
What is the 60-minute parent support/coaching calls for then?
These 60-minute support calls are designed to keep you up to date on what your youth is learning so that if they ask you to help support them you are aware of where they are within the program. It can also be utilized as a coaching call for the parents. This can also be an opportunity for you to share any concerns or insights you might have.
What if my child doesn’t want to finish the program, will I get a refund?
No refunds are offered in the event your youth chooses not to complete the program. I go to great lengths to ensure only youth that are a good fit for the program are enrolled. The free 1-hour Strategy Session Call is designed to determine if your youth is a good fit for the program and that my program is a good fit for your youth's needs. Between my descriptions about who this program is and is not designed for and our discussion during the Strategy Session Call, only those that are a good fit will be enrolled.
I will always be honest with parents if I believe their youth is not a good fit for the program. It doesn’t serve your youth, you or me to enter a youth into the program if I don’t believe it will be a successful outcome.
What if we miss a coaching or support call, can it be made up?
I reserve the right to make the decision on a case by case basis. But in general, the answer is no. It is your responsibility to show up for all calls. If you need to reschedule and do so prior to the day of the call I will do my best to reschedule you, however, there are no guarantees, and it may just be a lost coaching session. That being said, emergencies will be considered an exception to this policy.
What if my child is experiencing a stressful day or had a bad experience at school and wants to talk to you prior to your scheduled coaching call?
In those circumstances, I will do my best to accommodate and I ask that you reach out to me via telephone. This is one of the reasons I limit my enrollments, I really do try and make myself as available as possible, to the youth currently enrolled. If I don't pick up it means I am on a coaching call or perhaps due to time difference I am closed for the day. Leave a message or have your child send me an email explaining what’s going on. I will either attempt to contact your youth if my schedule allows for it, or at the very least attempt to help with an email reply. I am flexible to shifting calls around out of necessity.
What if I think the program is a good fit but my child doesn't want to enroll?
I work with youth that want to create change in their situation. If you child has no desire to participate in the program but you can see the value in it, I would suggest booking a call with me and we can consider the idea of you enrolling without your child, leaving it open to the possibility that they maychange their mind later down the road. Book a Strategy Call and we can discuss the best course of action.
Why would I enroll without my child?
You will gain a tremendous about of insight as to how best help your child rebuild their self-esteem and confidence and how to help them not let other people determine their self-worth. I include parents in the program because it is you that they will be looking to once they have completed the program and it is important that you have followed along in their journey so you are equipped to support them through any obstacles that may arise down the road.
Still, have questions?
Fill in the Contact Form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.