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Helping you retain your
most valuable asset

I work with companies that see their teams as their most valuable asset and understand investing in their team is not optional but essential to the success of their business.


According to a 2-year Google Study Your Team Will Be Successful IF They Can Answer YES to These 5 Questions:


  1. Can we, as a team, take a risk without feeling insecure or embarrassed?

  2. Can we count on each other to deliver high-quality results on time?

  3. Are our goals and roles clear?

  4. Are we working on something that is personally meaningful to each of us?

  5. Do we fundamentally believe the work we’re doing matters?


Ultimately, the study concluded that there was no distinct pattern for individual traits that drove overall team performance. Instead the study discovered it wasn’t about who was on the team, but how that team worked together; or what the group norms of that team were. 


I specialize in helping teams get to a place where they can answer YES to all 5 of the questions above.


The best part is, coaching has a ripple effect! The shift in perspective, beliefs and therefore behaviours often have a ripple effect on everyone in the company and in their personal lives.


If you have read this far, I assume that you recognize creating a more successful team(s) is worth exploring and you may have the most common objection I encounter.


“I have no time for this”


I would challenge you to consider the time and money you waste because of your current company culture?


  • Re-hiring

  • Re-training

  • Repeated meetings on the same topics

  • Loss of sales due to:

    • Negative attitudes

    • Lack of by in 

    • Lack motivation

    • Burnout

    • The list could go on!



How I help your 
team be successful

There are a few different methods for improving team cohesiveness, and implementing team coaching is a great first step.


My approach is two fold with team leadership training and team coaching.


Team members often work in isolation, especially during Covid, leading to disengagement and lower productivity. Team coaching helps relieve the negative effects of workplace inactivity by providing an opportunity for team members to engage in a meaningful and positive way that will build relationships and buy-in.


In organizational team coaching, there is an assessment commonly used, called the OCTAPACE Assessment. This assessment analyzes a team or organization's strengths and weaknesses across eight different areas.  We will be using this assessment to identify the areas your team requires development.​

Octapace Assessment Areas
  • Openness - How open are the team members sharing their opinions, ideas, thoughts, or feelings?

  • Confrontation - How well does the team face challenges and find the best solutions to overcome those challenges?

  • Trust - What is the level of trust between team members and trust with senior leaders within the organization?

  • Authenticity - How authentic are team members in sharing their feelings among the team?

  • Proactive - Are team members taking the initiative, preplanning, and taking preventive action?

  • Autonomy - Are team members willing to use power without fear and helping others to do the same?

  • Collaboration - How well does the teamwork solve their problems, develop plans, and implement them together?

  • Experimentation - Is the team encourage to use innovative approaches to solve problems. Do team members feel like they can try new ways of dealing with issues?


Just as you maintain the equipment that helps your business operate successfully, your employees mindset is even more valuable. A healthy mindset and the ability to be more self-aware in their day-to-day interactions is crucial to the overall success of any business.

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